Getting older is inevitable, but aging doesn't have to be. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a non-invasive, chemical and toxin free way to help enhance your natural beauty from the inside, with little to no side effects.
The face has a direct connection to the internal organs and mirrors your mental, emotional and physical health. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture works on the face, mind and body to balance and revitalize. The benefits are not only seen on the outside, but felt internally as well, with better sleep, regulated menstrual cycles and a general feeling of well-being reported.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture works by:
Increasing collagen production
Improving muscle tone in the face
Reducing fine facial lines
Reducing under eye bags, drooping eye lids, sagging cheeks and jowls
Improving facial coloring and moisture
Reducing signs of stress and aging in the face
Facial rejuvenation results will vary from person to person. Facial muscle relaxation and stress reduction may be seen after the first visit. Facial line improvements may take up to 3 months of treatments, however your mind and body will respond positively with each treatment visit.