Acupuncture is the insertion of hair-thin solid steel needles into specific points of the body with the purpose of stimulating the movement of energy flow, or "Qi" in specific areas or channels, based on Traditional East Asian Medicine theory. There are additional modalities that consist of manipulation of these points by heat, friction or pressure which also fall under the umbrella term of "Traditional East Asian Medicine".
How does acupuncture work?
Our bodies are constantly striving to maintain homeostasis, or balance. Simply put, acupuncture works by drawing the body's attention to certain areas that require help in maintaining this balance in order to promote self-healing.
Does acupuncture hurt?
When performed properly, acupuncture should not hurt. You may feel sensations of heaviness, pressure, distention or some slight electric movement at the insertion site, with many patients reporting a feeling of relaxation during the treatment.
Who would benefit from acupuncture?
Anyone seeking balance can benefit from acupuncture. In addition, acupuncture is effective at treating:
Allergies / Asthma
Anxiety / Depression
Arthritis / Joint Pain
Autoimmune Disorders
Musculoskeletal Pain / Back Pain / Neck Pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Colds / Flu
Cough / Bronchitis
Chronic Pain Disorders
Endocrinology / Diabetes
Fatigue / Immune Deficiency
Digestive Issues / IBS / Gastritis
Headache / Migraine
PMS / Gynecological Problems
Shoulder Pain / Knee Pain
Skin Problems
Smoking Cessation
Stress / Tension
Plus much more...
Further information:
For more information on acupuncture and its benefits, please check out the page on Traditional East Asian Medicine at the National Institute for Integrative and Complementary Health's website.